Popsicle Craft for Preschoolers
Crafting together with your preschoolers is a great way to bond and have fun! It allows them to express their creativity while developing new skills.
And this yarn-wrapped popsicle craft is the perfect activity for young children as it requires minimal materials and simple steps that they can follow.
With just some popsicle sticks, glue, and colorful yarn, you can make something really special with your little ones – so let’s get started!

Yarn-Wrapped Popsicle Craft for Preschoolers
The Yarn-Wrapped Popsicle Craft is an easy and fun craft activity that preschoolers can enjoy with their parents.
With just a few materials, including popsicle sticks, glue and some colorful yarn, you can create a beautiful craft project together.
This activity will help your child develop fine motor skills while also allowing them to express their creativity.
Here are some tips on how to involve your preschoolers in the process of making this craft:
1. Let them choose the colors of yarn they want to use for their popsicles and guide them as needed.
2. Help them wrap the yarn around the popsicle stick and show them how to glue it in place.
3. Allow them to be creative and add their own decorations, such as sequins or glitter, along with the yarn.
4. Lastly, let them show off their finished product – they will love to show it off!
Once you’re done crafting together, your preschoolers will have a beautiful, unique work of art to show off!
What You’ll Need
- cardboard
- yarn
- craft stick
- scissors
- glue
How to Make a Popsicle Craft
Draw a simple popsicle shape on the cardboard and cut it out for your preschooler. You can use an old cereal box or even a flap from your latest Amazon delivery.

Start at the top of the popsicle, and work your way down. Glue one end of a piece of yarn to the top of the cardboard cut out. Wrap the yarn as far down as you’d like.

Glue the end of the first color, and then switch to the next color. Continue wrapping and changing colors as often as you’d like until you get to the bottom of the cardboard.

Finally, slip the craft stick between the yarn and the cardboard. Separate the yarn a bit and glue the craft stick in place.
That’s it!

Popsicle Activities for Preschoolers
Crafts can be a great way for preschoolers to explore their creative side!
Popsicle-themed activities are especially fun and easy for younger children – from making yarn-wrapped popsicles to creating DIY art projects, kids of all ages can have a blast while making something special.
Try introducing some popsicle crafts into your preschooler’s next play session or birthday party and watch the smiles light up!
Popsicle Picture Books for Preschoolers
Reading is an important part of any preschooler’s development. For a sweet and fun reading experience, look no further than books that feature popsicle themes!
From stories about making homemade popsicles to tales of all the flavors of ice cream, there are dozens of books that are sure to capture your preschooler’s imagination.
Incorporating popsicle-themed books into your child’s routine is a great way to get them interested in reading while having some sweet fun at the same time!
Here are some of the best popsicle-themed books for kids.
The Boy Who Invented the Popsicle – Frank William Epperson is a curious boy who wants to be an inventor when he grows up. Since inventing begins with experimenting, Frank spends a lot of time in his “laboratory” (i.e. his back porch) trying out his ideas, such as building a double-handled handcar that whizzes past the single-handled cars in his neighborhood. What Frank loves most, though, is experimenting with liquids. When he invents his own yummy flavored soda water drink, his friends love it! And this gets him to thinking: “I wonder what this drink would taste like frozen?” Though he doesn’t yet realize it, his curiosity will lead to his best invention ever: the Popsicle!
The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle: And Other Surprising Stories About Inventions – Did you know that the ice cream sundae was invented because of a law forbidding the sale of ice cream on Sundays? Or that the first motorcycle was really just a tricycle with a motor? Would you believe that Mickey Mouse started out as a rabbit? Arranged in alphabetical order with anecdotal, fun-to-read text, this fascinating book is packed with the stories behind these and over 100 more inventions.
Popsicle Pop – Sammy is tired of the same, old flavor. So he dreams up the funniest sounding popsicle treat that is a mouthful to say, let alone eat!
More Popsicle Crafts for Preschoolers
Preschoolers and popsicles are a match made in heaven! There are countless ways to introduce even more popsicle-themed activities specifically tailored for the young ones.
Have fun making paper plate ice cream sundaes, creating bright popsicle drip art, or building an adorable popsicle stick house with your kiddos for hours of imaginative play.
Popsicle crafts make for an extra special activity that both kids and adults will enjoy!
* Popsicle Tissue Paper Craft from Made with Happy
* Felt Pretend Play Popsicles Craft from Glued to My Crafts
* Ice Cream Craft for Kids from Simple Everyday mom

Crafting with preschoolers is a great way to bond, and popsicle-themed projects are especially fun for young children.
With just a few supplies, you can create something special together that will help your child develop their fine motor skills while also allowing them to express their creativity.
Reading popsicle-themed books together or making other crafts such as paper plate ice cream sundaes, drip art or even an adorable house out of craft sticks are all fantastic ways to get your little ones excited about crafting! So grab some materials and start creating – you won’t regret it!